Customizing content blog Vs creating a blog entry page type

I'm an occasional concrete5 dev, so bare with me.
I already have a blog, with its own custom page type (blog entry). The blog index has a custom "page list" block.

Now I need another index with a different kind of page list. So, I know I need to create a new custom design for the page list block. I will use the default page type for this.

After that, I'm thinking I need to create a new page type for the items on this new "category" ...


Wouldn't be easier to create a custom content block and use the default page type?

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
Creating a new page type can be as simple as copying an existing one. Copy blog_entry.php to custom_blog_entry.php and install it through the Dashboard. Now you have a new page type, that although it's exactly like the original, is now it's own entity!