Customizing the mighty page_list block - listing custom data and how does it all fit together?

Firstly, working out what's possible - using the page_list block can you:
- Pull and list content from a custom area and truncate the content?
- Pull and list an image block from a custom area but display it as a thumbnail?
- Pull and list the tags a page is tagged with?

It looks like you can pull and list content from page attributes but we'd prefer to use content the client has entered on the page - if possible.



cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
After playing around, I've discovered that you can display content from a custom area from the listed pages with the following:

<!-- entry summary -->
      $a = new Area('Summary');

It works, but I'm guessing it isn't the correct way as I can't work out how to:
- Limit the number of blocks that display to 1
- Truncate the content in the first block
- Resize images to show thumbnails

Any suggestions would be welcome.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You want this:

(or if not, let me know why and I can explain how that works so you can put whatever pieces of it you want into your own templates)