Data capture forms

We are using the Forms in the system to capture Lead information - like on a landing page.
2 questions if anyone can help;

The title of each Form Field is mirrored in the capture area - is there anyway of not having the "title" showing in the area where someone would complete their details. (see attached screenshot)

The other things is that we want the user to be directed to a "thank you" page after completing the capture form. I have tried to get the system to do this on the form but it does not appear to like it and simply does not redirect anywhere.

Help please.....

1 Attachment

goldhat replied on at Permalink Reply
Which version of C5 do you have? Because in my version (5.6) the forms editor has a tab "Options" and in that there is an option "Redirect to another page after form submission?" and then you can select any page from your site map.

As for the labels showing above and inside the field, what theme are you using? And did you add some addon for putting the fields inline (inside the fields)? Because normally on most themes the labels would be only above the fields. You would probably need to override the block template that outputs the form fields.
staylor1 replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

Not sure which version we have or how I find that out.

I have gone to the editor tab- Options and selected the page I want to redirect to but its not saving.

(See Attached Screenshot)
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
If you go to the dashboard and go to System & Settings, click on update Concrete5 (don't worry it won't update) it will tell you what version you have.

Alternatively if you look at the source of your page in your browser you will find the information near the top in the meta tag <meta name="generator"
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know why your redirect page is not saving but I might be able to help with the field names.

On your word doc, field names appear twice: above the field in blue and inside the field. Which one is it that you want to get rid of?
malkau replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there

I am having similar issue with my thank you page not saving... I'm using (just saw that 5.7 is now out, how did I miss this?!)

Anyway, my work around was to edit the the value directly in the database... it's the btForm table and you set redirectCID to the thank you page's CID. It works... but as soon as you edit the form with C5 again it will be gone again so edit with care.

Time to check out 5.7... "There is no upgrade path from 5.6.x to 5.7.x, you'll have to migrate content manually." yikes!