Database driven select boxes in forms???

I'm trying to track pricing data with my site and I'd like to be able to have my selects (combo/dropdown) be database driven instead of manual (manual is not an option). I cannot find a good solution. Can someone help??

jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
I reckon you would need to use a custom form for this. The External Form block allows you to include your own forms. This way you can query the database for any data you need.

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I agree with @jbx that you will need to create your own custom form for this. But I personally don't like the "external form" block as it imposes too many restrictions and non-standard requirements for structuring your code without any benefit whatsoever. Instead, I prefer to create custom form blocks, and I have some boilerplate code for this that will help you out here: