Date Nav block errors

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Anyone else seen this from the Date Nav block?

{"aID":"297","arHandle":"Name of Editable Area Here","cID":"163","error":false,"bID":"488"}

I get it from trying to use the Date Nav block - I've reinstalled and tried new installs, and even gone back a few versions but I still seem to get this - even across several machines.

Also, if I choose which page I want the date nav to appear under, I don't get a site map - I just get a new page listing what the map looks like, but with none of the functionality. See attached.

Any help appreciated.

1 Attachment

Misura replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm getting the exact same error. I've used this block a ton of other times without issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
It was a javascript conflict - Sorry I should've posted that I'd solved this. In my particular case, a small string of script didn't like the page list block. When I found the culprit and removed it, everything worked fine.

Good luck.
Misura replied on at Permalink Reply
Good to know, guess I will start ripping JS out and figure out where it is.

juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
Let us know what you find.
tsilbermann replied on at Permalink Reply
Have the same problem - on clean installation as well - any news about that?
Misura replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I uninstalled it and grabbed a version of the block from a previous version of concrete and installed it. Seemed to work for me.
teknojunkey replied on at Permalink Reply
concrete5 - date_nav block worked for me
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
I ran in to the same problem as you guys.
I have reported it as a bug here:

If you are still seeing this as a problem can you confirm the bug on the above page.