Datepicker in DOM
I'm trying to dynamically add datepicker inputs and they add fine, but the event is not registering in DOM.
function addDate() { var dt = document.getElementById('addDate'); var o_node = document.getElementById('dateLum'); var node = ++document.getElementById('dateLum').value; o_node.value = node; var divIdName = "newDate"+node; var newDateDiv = document.createElement('div'); newDateDiv.setAttribute('id',divIdName); newDateDiv.setAttribute('style','margin-top: 25px;margin-top: 25px;'); newDateDiv.innerHTML = "<span id=\"date"+node+"_dw\" class=\"ccm-input-date-wrapper\"><input value=\"<?php echo date('m/d/Y');?>\" class=\"ccm-input-date hasDatepicker\" name=\"date"+node+"\" id=\"date"+node+"\"/></span><script type=\'text/javascript\'>$(function() { $(\"date"+node+"\").datepicker({ changeYear: true, showAnim: \'fadeIn\' }); });<script>"; dt.appendChild(newDateDiv); }
sorry, not seeing how you call .datepicker to that element post append. still learning javascript to some degree.
is that:
I'm certain this is way off. lol
is that:
dt.appendChild(newDateDiv); var ele = getElementById(dividName."date"+node); ele.datepicker({changeYear: true, showAnim: 'fadeIn' });
I'm certain this is way off. lol
remember that a query dom element isn't the same thing as a normal dom element:
it's not liking that. lol
dt.appendChild(newDateDiv); $('#date'+node).datepicker({ changeYear: true, showAnim: 'fadeIn' }); });
it's not liking that. lol
did you make those two ids unique, so that it's referring to the input and not the span?
yeah, if you look, one is date_node_dw and the other is date_node
got it.
- add the input minus the datepicker class
- add the script
- add the class back in
- add the input minus the datepicker class
- add the script
- add the class back in
function addDate() { var dt = document.getElementById('addDate'); var o_node = document.getElementById('dateLum'); var node = ++document.getElementById('dateLum').value; o_node.value = node; var divIdName = "newDate"+node; var newDateDiv = document.createElement('div'); newDateDiv.setAttribute('id',divIdName); newDateDiv.setAttribute('style','margin-top: 25px;margin-top: 25px;'); newDateDiv.innerHTML = "<span id=\"date"+node+"_dw\" class=\"ccm-input-date-wrapper\"><input value=\"<?php echo date('m/d/Y');?>\" class=\"ccm-input-date\" name=\"date"+node+"\" id=\"date"+node+"\"/></span>"; dt.appendChild(newDateDiv); var newDateScript = document.createElement('script'); newDateScript.innerHTML = "$(function() { $(\"#date"+node+"\").datepicker({ changeYear: true, showAnim: \'fadeIn\' }); });"; dt.appendChild(newDateScript); var getNode = document.getElementById("date"+node);
Viewing 15 lines of 18 lines. View entire code block.
try just putting the call to .datepicker after you've already injected that html, and after you've appended it to the dom. you've also got two ids with the same value (the span and the input are both "date"+node).