db.xml for single page

How can one add a database table for a single page? I want to send out email from the module and when the mail is sent, I want it to record when the mail was sent out and then to produce a list of all the mail sent out reflecting the date the mail was sent.

digirunt replied on at Permalink Reply
You could add it as a basic package, when a package is installed a db.xml is parsed and database tables are created accordingly

simple package structure can be


the controller in the package root simply contains install information

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
class HelloWorldPackage extends Package {
     protected $pkgHandle = 'hello_world';
     protected $appVersionRequired = '5.3.0';
     protected $pkgVersion = '1.0';
     public function getPackageDescription() {
          return t("Just an example package that says Hello World.");
     public function getPackageName() {
          return t("Hello World");
     public function install() {
          $pkg = parent::install();
          SinglePage::add('/myPage', $pkg);

more details are available here


hope this helps

mapwa replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Nat. I'm going to look at that and report back as soon as possible...