Default page types depending on URL / site hierarchy

Hello all! I'm currently digging into Concrete5 and have a question regarding Page Types.

While I have learned how to create defaults for certain page types...I'm currently in need of a certain workflow that I don't think exists natively within the system.

Basically, I want the creation of new content to default to certain page types depending on which sub-directory it's being created in. For example, if I'm creating content within:
I would like the page type called "Page Type A" to be automatically selected/pre-loaded to the users editing display.

But, it appears that regardless of where I am creating a new page, I always have to choose from one of the Page Types.

Hope this makes sense, if anyone has any ideas on how best to accomplish this workflow, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
there will be a feature in the next version of c5 that allow you to do this easily.
webdevcgi replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply, that would be excellent.

Do you know when they plan on releasing the next version?
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply