Delete custom attribute type


I've created a custom attribute type for testing. I'd like to remove it, but I haven't found any configuration option to do this. Is there any way to do it?


Juan Ramón

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
Version Installed -

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi jrsanche,

Did you add the custom attribute code in the attributes folder?
jrsanche replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi MrKDilkington,

Thanks for your answer. I created a subdirectory for the attribute in application\attributes and installed it in Concrete5 Dashboard. Afterwards, I looked for an option to delete the attribute with no success, so. I tried deleting the subfolder, but the attribute is still showing in Concrete5.

I don't know what else I can do.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

I created a custom attribute type to test with. After installing, I did not see an obvious way to remove it.

This appeared to work:
- I unchecked the Collection, User, and File associations for the custom attribute.
- In the AttributeTypes table, I deleted the row for that custom attribute.

After doing this, the attribute was removed from the list of available attributes and I could delete the custom attribute's folder.

I am not sure if this is the proper approach and would not recommend doing this on a production site. It would be best to try this on a test install.
jrsanche replied on at Permalink Reply
It's weird that you cannot delete custom attribute types from a Dashboard option. Maybe that is so because after deleting an attribute type, any attribute from that type should be removed from any page, user or file and that could be quite resource-consuming.

Thanks for your answer and for your time!
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

I agree, there could be the performance issue and possibly the risk for error.