Deleted Original Theme

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I accidentally deleted my original theme while working far to late and now I can't find it in the gallery. Is there anyway to get it back?

lsudler replied on at Permalink Reply
Please please help it is one of the 3 original themes that comes with it when you download
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
If you have access to FTP, just download a fresh copy of Concrete5 to your desktop, unzip, open "Concrete5.4.2" - "Concrete" - then "Themes" - then drag and drop the missing theme into your uploaded version in the corresponding spot.
(remember to Always refresh cache and/or refresh browser if not seeing edits take place as expected)
yukulelix replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
In The attached file (top right of my message), you have the 4 core themes of concrete5, just copy the one you want to : "Path-to-your-concrete-installation/concrete/themes/".
If it doesn't work copy it to "Path-to-your-concrete-installation/themes/", then add it in the ad functionality of your website !
Hope it helps