Desperate for sliding panels or scrolling text window...

A sliding panels block or even a good old customisable scrolling text window would be so useful and add greatly to design options in C5.

C'mon you dev gurus, surely you could sort this out while eating breakfast!



Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
It takes about 5 minutes to eat breakfast, not enough time to build a block (:

I currently don't build new marketplace blocks/packages unless I've got a customer who needs an addon and wants to release it for free.

Publishing addons can be a bit annoying. Especially when you release them for free. I don't mind building and giving something away for free but I mostly get one thing back, messages from people who aren't able to use google asking for more (free) stuff. I even put up a note in my profile asking people not to send me private support requests. Even this is too difficult for a few people.

You just don't get enough in return.... Do I really have to charge money for that stuff to get something back which isn't a request?

I asked a few times if it would be possible to have a free block with paid support but never got an open ear to that. This means no more free remo blocks in the near future.. Looks like most people want to make a few bucks using the marketplace now. I guess they got jealous
nige replied on at Permalink Reply

Yes I picked you out as a true 'freeman' early on in my c5 experience. All praise to you.

I used and adapted a personnel block you made all on my own and my php is as good as my chinese ie none.

You cant blame people for wanting to make a few bucks though, hell Id like to and I have noticed a few pretty simple blocks creeping up in price for that reason.

I'm quite happy to pay for my blocks actually.

I just spent $350.00 getting a new gateway built and I'd be happy to stick it on the marketplace for a tenner or so.

I think you must be an anarchist at heart Remo but I think you would make as big a statement doing really great blocks for a smaller price. Its the old thing isn't it.

The better something is: it will sell.

The better it is AND cheaper it will sell faster.

If its mediocre and expensive,? well it won't sell and I think there's a few blocks in that old category.

Which brings me to another point.

Its not just how good a block is but how USEFUL!

Sliding panels and scrolling text windows are fairly standard web design practices these days and VERY useful. Why are the useful things not being developed?

Just check out what Adobe try to integrate into Dreamweaver every now and then and you will get a feel for what designers want.

Anyway Remo I will be happy to pay you personally for something if you'd like to develop it.

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your feedback.

I blame no one to make some bucks but I'm a bit worried that everybody wants to make a few bucks... It might hurt the "community spirit" a bit.

I know, it's a standard webdesign element. Which is why I've built one a long time ago. It's very custom for a single customer to manage travel offers but I could easily turn it into a block..

I guess I just couldn't get "friendly" with selling blocks yet.
nige replied on at Permalink Reply
haha fair enough Remo, stick to your guns mate.

Yes everybody wants to make a buck or get rich, but I can't blame them. When you need money its the worst need in the world. What I find hard to understand is why companies just want more and more and more money.

Modern capitalist companies are definitely in the "why the f**k do you need so much money category.

I don't think the C5'ers are in that category just yet though.

In the early days of any organisation, religion, movement whatever there is way more community spirit.

Community spirit tends to get left behind by the desire for cash, but it doesn't mean its gone away. Not totally anyway.

I suppose when Apple or Adobe first started there was loads of community spirit too.

Keep up the good work.

PurpleEdge replied on at Permalink Reply