Developing a "Hybrid App around c55
Sencha, PhoneGap or Mosync, any thoughts? Am I in on the wrong forum?
thanks for the reply. and you hit it on the nail, because i was vearing toward the hybrib app concept in order to access a users phone book... But it probably makes more sense do it with cleverly with API connects to social sites/google contacts, and whatever cloud apple uses (icloud?)
I feel there have to be very compelling reasons to create an actual app for a platform, to justify the extra development, testing, deployment and update management.
Apps a great where you want to take advantage of a phone's hardware or OS (using the camera, accelerometer, GPS, input for games, phone book, etc), otherwise if you are just packaging up what could be on a website, you are better off just having a mobile responsive website. Easier to update, available to all. A mobile responsive site can still feel very app like.
I also believe that hybrid apps still aren't really ready for primetime, there are still lots of performance issues.