Difference between $btInterfaceWidth and getBlockTypeInterfaceWidth() function??

Within a block I am fiddling with there is the following:

protected $btInterfaceWidth = "350";
   protected $btInterfaceHeight = "125";
   public function getBlockTypeInterfaceWidth() {
      return 20;
   public function getBlockTypeInterfaceHeight() {
      return 20;

I keep playing with the values and just can't make heads or tails yet of which one does what when.

I know that changes inside the overidding functions shown above must be refreshed for a block through the Dashboard before they take affect but with respect to setting the width and height of block dialog boxes...which one of the above does what??

Which one takes precedence over other.

Just changing the protected variable values does not appear to do a thing without including the override functions.



12345j replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
use the functions- the $btVar stuff is really only there for backwards compatibility.