different style profile page for different user groups
In the code above I added inline styles, but you can as well add whole style sheets, if there are many style changes, just as you normally do in your theme.
Anyways, I hope you get it sorted.
...and as I said, there are more ways than the one above to accomplish what you want.
Like you said, what I want to do is actually have different profile pages which are significantly different.
I tried copying the profile page to my single pages folder and renaming profile_s2 but when I view the page it's empty.
View source shows only the following
<div id="ccm-profile-wrapper"> <div id="ccm-profile-sidebar"> <div class="ccm-profile-header">
Any ideas how I would make this work?
Thanks heaps
In your theme header.php file you can add the following code just before your ending head tag. Header.php is located in 'public_html/themes/your_theme/elements' or 'public_html/packages/theme_name/elements' if it's not a core theme.
In the code above you need to change the group names to match your groups, and keep in mind that a user can be in more groups than one. Think about which groups should take precedence in the styling and have them in descending order in the if statements. Also change the styling to whatever you want. In the example above I just changed the background color for testing purposes.