Different thumbnail appears in facabook, everytime someone shares a post .
Hello everybody.
I have been a concrete5 user for more than 5 months and i am very proud of it.
I have an issue with the latest website i have made for a friend of mine. We can post in facebook and the right thumbnail appears when it comes live. But when someone tries to share my post it comes with a different thumbnail.
I have created a page attritube called thumbnail and also the meta description and title are ok.
I cant find a solution so if somoene can help us this is the address of the site :http://www.moschatodaily.gr
I have been a concrete5 user for more than 5 months and i am very proud of it.
I have an issue with the latest website i have made for a friend of mine. We can post in facebook and the right thumbnail appears when it comes live. But when someone tries to share my post it comes with a different thumbnail.
I have created a page attritube called thumbnail and also the meta description and title are ok.
I cant find a solution so if somoene can help us this is the address of the site :http://www.moschatodaily.gr
Here's what I do to define what a share looks like. Your millage may vary - look at the open graph docs for more details.
In the doctype, add the xmlns:og statement:
Somewhere in the template head (either a head include or the page type): Please note, this has a ton of extra stuff in it, but it might get you started - I'm crunched for time otherwise I'd edit it down
These will help: