Disappearing .swf
I'm converting a site to concrete5 and in my custom theme I have a directory called "contact" where I have a flash (.swf) file that that uses an xml file and some other files to run. When I use the following code in my default template (default.php), it works fine:
When I use the same code in other templates (contact.php) it is ONLY visible when the page is in edit mode (http://localhost/concrete5/index.php?cID=63) or after I exit edit mode. If I navigate away and return to the page (http://localhost/concrete5/index.php/contact/), the .swf is not visible.
An example of the working form is available here:http://strategicremarketingsolutions.com/contact.html....
Perhaps this is not the way to embed .swfs? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
<object width="515" height="220"> <param name="movie" value="themes/srs/contact/contact.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"><embed src="themes/srs/contact/contact.swf" width="515" height="220" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"> </embed> </object>
When I use the same code in other templates (contact.php) it is ONLY visible when the page is in edit mode (http://localhost/concrete5/index.php?cID=63) or after I exit edit mode. If I navigate away and return to the page (http://localhost/concrete5/index.php/contact/), the .swf is not visible.
An example of the working form is available here:http://strategicremarketingsolutions.com/contact.html....
Perhaps this is not the way to embed .swfs? Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Thanks, Steev1955. I was able to get this working by adding one level to the folder path: /concrete5/themes/srs/contact/contact.swf. However, it looks like a better solution is to use /contact/contact.swf.
Incidentally, which is the suggested code in the C5 tutorials “Converting a site into a theme,” “Make a concrete5 Theme,” and elsewhere on conrete5.org, did NOT work.
Alas, I still can’t get SWFs to work that have images in a folder. SWFs with embedded images work, but the SWF often gets way too big. For these SWFs with image folders I’m using an iframe, but that is actually a pretty terrible solution, especially if a user zooms in on the text.
I feel like I must be missing something simple.
<?php echo $this->getThemePath(); ?>
Alas, I still can’t get SWFs to work that have images in a folder. SWFs with embedded images work, but the SWF often gets way too big. For these SWFs with image folders I’m using an iframe, but that is actually a pretty terrible solution, especially if a user zooms in on the text.
I feel like I must be missing something simple.
My solution was to call the .php with an absolute path. Original call from flash was 'control.php' I had to change it to 'www.domian.co.uk/control.php'. The other thing I did was to put my .swf in the page through a 'html' block and again call the file from an absolute path 'www.domain.co.uk/fla/my.swf'. It did not work with file manager.
Also remember to put the 'swfobject.js' in the head as well.
Hope this helps.