Discussion on what features would make for a great editor to embed in a block as a replacement for TinyMCE anyone? Not a discussion of various editors per se...rather the desirable features.
This last week I created a block using the CLEditor to replace the standard Concrete5 content block as I can't stand the gibberish HTML produced by TinyMCE in it's code view.
Though CLEditor is much better in that regard I have since discovered that...well...it's not good enough either! I don't like the HTML it's producing. If I can intercept it's HTML parser I might still be able to work with it but it's no good as it is.
I thought it might be worthwhile for me to write out what I want in an editor for use inside a block and then go looking rather than looking at any number of different editors and playing with them only to find out that they don't have what I want.
Plus it may help me realize that some of the things I want may not be...well...practical.
So if anyone has any input on the following I would appreciate hearing it.
My ideal editor for use inside a block
As in not having more buttons than is really necessary for basic
text editing.
Do and Undo
Font Family Selection
Font size Selection
Font Color Selection
Align Text Right
Align Text Left
Align Text Center
Justify Text
Insert Hyperlink
Insert Horizontal Rule
NO paste, cut, remove hyperlink, and all that other stuff
which can be done using the keyboard
Won't mess up my HTML edits!
As in will leave any HTML alone if I add it through the HTML view.
Including all white spaces, tabs, etc.
Generates HTML which looks nice inside the editor HTML view where one can edit the HTML. As in it will leave all spaces, newlines, etc. in without minifying them out of existance.
Instead of using tags like BLOCKQUOTE, FONT, etc.. it will insert a CSS class and allow me to control the appearance of the text through a CSS file. Most editors I have looked at are in the stone ages in that they still inline CSS into the HTML all over the place and/or use tags that have all but been replaced by CSS control.
Anybody got any thoughts on what would be ideal as such?
I want an editor that a client can use.
No embedding of images into the page through such an editor as I am using mini-blocks to allow them to put in images where they want them and formatting those images underneath to control their placement through CSS.
Separate from the text.
I want an editor to simply do one thing and do it well. Edit text. Not text and images. Not text and YouTube videos or anything else. Just text. With the exception of text and links which I think is okay since links are just text anyway.
Though CLEditor is much better in that regard I have since discovered that...well...it's not good enough either! I don't like the HTML it's producing. If I can intercept it's HTML parser I might still be able to work with it but it's no good as it is.
I thought it might be worthwhile for me to write out what I want in an editor for use inside a block and then go looking rather than looking at any number of different editors and playing with them only to find out that they don't have what I want.
Plus it may help me realize that some of the things I want may not be...well...practical.
So if anyone has any input on the following I would appreciate hearing it.
My ideal editor for use inside a block
As in not having more buttons than is really necessary for basic
text editing.
Do and Undo
Font Family Selection
Font size Selection
Font Color Selection
Align Text Right
Align Text Left
Align Text Center
Justify Text
Insert Hyperlink
Insert Horizontal Rule
NO paste, cut, remove hyperlink, and all that other stuff
which can be done using the keyboard
Won't mess up my HTML edits!
As in will leave any HTML alone if I add it through the HTML view.
Including all white spaces, tabs, etc.
Generates HTML which looks nice inside the editor HTML view where one can edit the HTML. As in it will leave all spaces, newlines, etc. in without minifying them out of existance.
Instead of using tags like BLOCKQUOTE, FONT, etc.. it will insert a CSS class and allow me to control the appearance of the text through a CSS file. Most editors I have looked at are in the stone ages in that they still inline CSS into the HTML all over the place and/or use tags that have all but been replaced by CSS control.
Anybody got any thoughts on what would be ideal as such?
I want an editor that a client can use.
No embedding of images into the page through such an editor as I am using mini-blocks to allow them to put in images where they want them and formatting those images underneath to control their placement through CSS.
Separate from the text.
I want an editor to simply do one thing and do it well. Edit text. Not text and images. Not text and YouTube videos or anything else. Just text. With the exception of text and links which I think is okay since links are just text anyway.