display ecommerce product attribute
I want to display a custom attribute of eCommerce add-on. I know how to show product name, quantity, price but cant figure out how the attributes works. I want to display a specific attribute of the product.
Is this possible in showing the attributes? If so can anyone give my the syntax?
<?php if ($displayNameP) { ?>
<p><?php echo$link_before.$product->getProductName().$link_after?></p>
<?php } ?>
Is this possible in showing the attributes? If so can anyone give my the syntax?
<?php if ($displayNameP) { ?>
<p><?php echo$link_before.$product->getProductName().$link_after?></p>
<?php } ?>
Sorry for the late reply. I just figured it out. Got another question though. Should I make a new thread? create a ticket? Its just simple questions about how to randomize the product list.
Can you please share the syntax here? I'm trying to do the same thing right now.
I'm the support developer for concrete5 eCommerce, and if you open up a ticket in our support department I'd be more than happy to help you out with this.
Best Wishes,