Display Page list inline


I am adding a small navigation to the top of a site, just things like Home Cart Contact, using Page List.

Seems that Page list is displaying the links as h3, and I am trying to display the links in one line. Now I am battling with the css: usually the display: inline command would be enough for the
#page #header #headerNav h3 compound, but even with adding some !important to the style, the size remains to be the one defined in the typography.css and there seems to be no way to make the links appear in line.

I would start editing the view.php of the Page List module, but I want to use Page List on another part of the site, with h3 tags...

Can anybody help?


12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
this is a perfect use case for custom templates- seehttp://www.concrete5.org/documentation/general-topics/custom-templa... andhttp://www.concrete5.org/documentation/how-tos/designers/customize-... basically what you do is copy the view.php to root/blocks/page_list/templates/inline and make the changes for inline display there. Then, when you want an inline display you go into edit mode, select the block and click custom template, and select inline. Save it, and you should be good to go.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
12345j is totally right. Note that the built-in page list template is extremely messy, but I've made a more cleaned-up one that you might find easier to work with:

Alternatively, if this is a menu of random links that you don't really need a page list for, I have a free addon in the marketplace that lets you just choose the pages you want in the menu, and its template is completely unstyled so you can easily customize it:
Sumukha replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, Jordanlev.
I already downloaded your package and was about to try it out, but that free manual nav seems to be the best for me.
Anyway - I am going to try all out what you and 12345j say to learn more about C5.

Sumukha replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi 12345j,
thanks for posting this. I did not use AutoNav, because it does not seem to give me the option to just choose let's say 3 out of 7 navigation links.
What am I missing?
