Display title in AutoNav for submenu without allowing access to the parent page

Hey gang!

I have an autonav configured in my C5.7.2 site and have configured to work responsively and with dropdown menus for the child pages. My client doesnt want the parent page to be active or have anything in it, only to act as a topic heading.

Is it possible to set any permissions so the page still displays in the Autonav but doesnt actually do anything when the user clicks it, or at least doesnt open the page? I will obviously still want the hover function to still work for the submenu (child) pages.

Many thanks


martbase replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Simon,

One way I would solve this is to use the Page Redirect addonhttp://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/page-redirect1... to redirect clicks on the parent link to a particular child page.

juddc replied on at Permalink Reply
You could use the Replace Link With First In Nav attribute - more on that here:http://www.concrete5.org/index.php?cID=125451#127655...