Displaying pics

Hi all,

Might seem like a stupid question but here goes. I have built a site for a charity that I belong to that receives donated cars and we sell them a give all of the proceeds to abused and neglected children in our community. I have setup a page that displays a pic of the car and I am trying to find an addon that might allow additional pics of the same car either via dropdown or any method that would allow multiple additional pics of the same main car pic. That is, the page displays all of the cars we have for sale. I would like to be able to click that main car pic and display other pics of that same car;i.e. interior, side view, front view, etc.

Hopefully, I have explained myself sufficiently. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


ThomasJ replied on at Permalink Reply

Don't know if this comment has any value but, if you are into writing HTML, php, and JavaScript for Concrete5, you might end up creating your own. I thought I'd share my thoughts on your need.

When reading your issue, what came to my mind is a right column page type and a simple block created to add each car's display description to the right column. To add another car, add another description block to the growing list along the right side. In the main side of the page that displays the selected car for viewing. Line up along the bottom of this block view, Icons of each picture to be displayed with the first picture loaded in the large display port above the Icons.

In the main viewing area should contain a basic view that has all the selected car's pictures loaded together, one on top of each other. This main view can be driven with simple JavaScript or, to get fancy, JQuery. When a car is selected from the right column, the action will use a method in it's controller to set the new selection in a $_SESSION['CarView'] and then reload the page. When the Main block's View loads, in it's controller, load all the pictures passed to it from the $_SESSION[] and assign the proper z-index to them. when an Icon is clicked on, with Js, change the picture stack order by changing z-index values putting the selected picture on top for viewing.

This is how I would approach satisfying this need if you can't find an already created addon that meets your requirements.
surfsupjoe125 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Thomas,

I will give it a try and see how it works

Cheers and thanks