Does Concrete5 use serialized data (like WordPress does leading to migration problems) inside it's database tables?
One cannot always simply export a WordPress database, do a search and replace on some values in that export data set, and then execute the exported SQL statements inside a new database at a different host.
Sometimes one bumps into serialized data that stores the length of that data within the database. Change the data without changing the stored length and corruption is introduced into that database.
Does Concrete5 suffer from the same problem?
Namely does it use serialized data at all? That is to say data that is stored in such a way that the length of that data is stored as well as the data itself such that if you change the data value without changing the length of that data introduce corruption into the database.
Any input or insight on this would be appreciated.
It's been my experience that a Concrete5 migration is just straight export and import of the mysql database without complication.
Just making sure that is indeed the case.
Sometimes one bumps into serialized data that stores the length of that data within the database. Change the data without changing the stored length and corruption is introduced into that database.
Does Concrete5 suffer from the same problem?
Namely does it use serialized data at all? That is to say data that is stored in such a way that the length of that data is stored as well as the data itself such that if you change the data value without changing the length of that data introduce corruption into the database.
Any input or insight on this would be appreciated.
It's been my experience that a Concrete5 migration is just straight export and import of the mysql database without complication.
Just making sure that is indeed the case.
I would like to know the same thing. I work in a Wordpress shop, and I HATE Wordpress - this being a major reason. I've figured out how to ignore the crumby legacy code, and awful database structure, but I can't get around that when I move a site from dev to production or vice versa - it's always a nightmare and requires a lot of manual intervention and headdesks.
So I'm in the process of trying to move us over to something different, but I want to know I'm not going to be in the same boat before I start rocking it to sink the Wordpress hulk.
So I'm in the process of trying to move us over to something different, but I want to know I'm not going to be in the same boat before I start rocking it to sink the Wordpress hulk.
No, not that I've seen, at least not in the core of concrete5.
We move sites from development to production, or between servers almost on a weekly basis and find it very straightforward.
We'll zip up a site, upload and unzip it on a new server, dump the database and restore it to a new one on the new server and then just change the database connection details in the config file.
We sometimes have to then clear the cache, but that's a 5 second job. If we've move the site from a folder, we also have to edit the .htaccess file a bit, but that's not really to do with concrete5. It couldn't get any simpler I don't think.
I've never had to hunt through manual database records to fix transferred sites.
I don't have much experience with Wordpress, but I can say that one of my favourite things with concrete5 is that the code _isn't_ crumbly - it's got a great architecture and it's very well written, leading they way I reckon (especially 5.7).
We move sites from development to production, or between servers almost on a weekly basis and find it very straightforward.
We'll zip up a site, upload and unzip it on a new server, dump the database and restore it to a new one on the new server and then just change the database connection details in the config file.
We sometimes have to then clear the cache, but that's a 5 second job. If we've move the site from a folder, we also have to edit the .htaccess file a bit, but that's not really to do with concrete5. It couldn't get any simpler I don't think.
I've never had to hunt through manual database records to fix transferred sites.
I don't have much experience with Wordpress, but I can say that one of my favourite things with concrete5 is that the code _isn't_ crumbly - it's got a great architecture and it's very well written, leading they way I reckon (especially 5.7).
So I'm in the process of trying to move us over to something different, but I want to know I'm not going to be in the same boat before I start rocking it to sink the Wordpress hulk.