Downsample on upload?

is there a way to have an image downsampled to 72 dpi on upload? The admins for the site are non technical and don't use photo editors, so they have been uploading hi res files, and we would like to prevent that.

Any ideas or has anyone implemented something like that within concrete5?


glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
DPI really doesn't matter for websites. As long as the images are being resized using the options in the image block you won't have to worry.

You can access the scaling function of concrete when you display the images. As I described above, the image block will create a new version of the image when a max width and/or max height value is/are entered.

You can also use this same "thumbnail" function to resize images when working with custom themes/blocks/etc.

To my knowledge, a resize on upload option does not exist.

However your idea could be beneficial - I could see myself using a resize on upload to a max width/height function.

As an alternative
Have you checked out concrete5's integration with Picnic? Anyone would be able to resize the images from there. Given it's a one at a time process - but depending on the number of photos uploaded, this might be a reasonable option.

Note: the original high-res images will still remain on your server (images have versions just like pages).
dotman replied on at Permalink Reply
That's good to know a new image is created when resized. I'm assuming at lower dpi, is that correct?

glockops replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure if the thumbnail function changes DPI values. But unless you intend to print the images you do not have to worry about DPI values of images when working with websites.

For further explanation see: