Drop down filter

I am trying to figure out a method using concrete5 to be able to search for site pages using multiple drop down menus.

The reason for the multiple drop downs is I need visitors to be able to filter pages in certain areas, very similar to a real estate site, eg Drop down 1 filter by area
Drop down 2 filter by price
Drop down 3 filter by number of bedrooms

I am guessing that I will need to use page attributes on each page being filtered and results would be presented as in the page list block but that is where my guesswork ends.

Does anyone have any suggestions or is there a how-to or tute anywhere (I have looked but can't find one).


shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
i'm not sure get you, but can't you consider TAG ing pages? just make a template and instead of using tokens, put them on a drop down?
alehut replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi shahroq

Sorry I was not clear, I mean Select boxes.
cjramki replied on at Permalink Reply