Duplicate Content - Moz Report - :81 URLs
PermalinkI have recently published a rather large concrete site, however there is 1000+ duplicated page, which is bad for SEO rankings. It has duplicated every page, where the duplicate contains :81 before the url slug?
I have a feeling that this is to do with a .htaccess contain duplicate pretty url statements. I have removed these, but will do another moz test tomorrow morning. Is there anything else this could be? I have also create a site_post.php and put it into the config direcotry.
Is there anything else that I am missing?
Avoid duplicate content in any case to use in websites. So we have used Check Duplicate Content tool.http://theplagiarismchecker.com...
1) Turn off all concrete5 caching
2) Clear the cache
3) Turn off Pretty URLs
3) Rename the .htaccess to .htaccessOrig
4) Create a new, blank .htaccess file
5) Toggle Pretty URLs back on.
6) Go to Dashboard->System and Settings->Automated Jobs and run all maintenance jobs.
7) Say a prayer to the deity of your choice.
Is there a public URL we could check out?