Dynamic Attribute Category Model File

Negating the option to modify core code...

If a package contains multiple new AttributeKeyCategories, is there a way to use one file to dynamically model each class, rather than creating a new file for each one?

ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't understand what you mean.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Not really, no. You could potentially create a base model for each one, and have each class extend it...but you'll need at least one file for each attribute category in the categories folder, named properly, etc..
ijessup replied on at Permalink Reply
@Scott: I'm essentially referring to AttributeKeyCategory::getAttributeKeyBy...() functions in the ~/concrete/models/attribute/categories.php file.

I was hoping for a magic method that, if the file didn't exist, it would ask the package what to do.

Thanks for the response Andrew. So just to clarify...

If, in a package's install method, I ran:
AttributeKeyCategory::add($handle, $allowSets, $pkg);
there must be a file in ~/packages/package_handle/models/attribute/categories/($handle).php or c5 would break if I ever tried to get an AttributeKey by using the AttributeKeyCategoy class.
ijessup replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah... there's just no way of creating new AttributeKeyCategories on the fly without creating a wrapper model file.

Which is doable, but not ideal.

Would be nice if we could see a conditional that:

if the file doesn't exist, look in the package controller, or ask the package controller for a specific file.