E-Commerce Product List Block
I purchased E-Commerce, got it all figured out, got my products added and am loving it, but I had two quick questions. I bought the product slider but I am not really impressed with it (I am using it because it works). Does anyone know of any other sliders that work with E-Commerce or that I can make work with it. Most sliders out there seem to be only for images.
The other question is is there a way to have a show more show less button on the product list block for the item description? My item descriptions are all wildly different in length and I would prefer to have it only show the first four lines or so and then offer up a show more button. Has anyone come up with a relatively simple way of doing this? My item descriptions consist of a block of HTML that provides a picture with an embedded link, the item text description, another image with embedded link (button to purchase, I use affiliate links, not shopping cart) and more text. I would like it to truncate the first block of text if at all possible.
If not, maybe the ecom developers would look into adding this into their addon, it would be a great addition
The other question is is there a way to have a show more show less button on the product list block for the item description? My item descriptions are all wildly different in length and I would prefer to have it only show the first four lines or so and then offer up a show more button. Has anyone come up with a relatively simple way of doing this? My item descriptions consist of a block of HTML that provides a picture with an embedded link, the item text description, another image with embedded link (button to purchase, I use affiliate links, not shopping cart) and more text. I would like it to truncate the first block of text if at all possible.
If not, maybe the ecom developers would look into adding this into their addon, it would be a great addition