Site Issues That I Want Advice About
Hey guys,
Long time since I have been on here. Sorry about that but life has been really busy.
I created a site for a client a while ago and they have reported back some issues their users are having.
One of the main purposes for the site is for the owner to upload audio files for visitors to listen to. Currently I am using the HTML5 <audio> element to play the files. I have the files uploaded as .MP3.
Users are having the following problems:
1. Certain people can't play the audio. It starts loading, but never finishes.
2. Other people can't even see the audio player or it won't load at all.
3. iOS users are having issues with the browser crashing when they try to play the audio. The owner has a iPhone and he can play them fine. If I try it on my iPad, it crashes the browser.
The owner would also like to know if there is a simpler way to upload the files. They would prefer that it is simple, like uploading the files with a file manager and then it automatically adds it to the a table on the main page. He likes the way the audio element displays, but not the code part of uploading it.
Any ideas are appreciated!!!
Long time since I have been on here. Sorry about that but life has been really busy.
I created a site for a client a while ago and they have reported back some issues their users are having.
One of the main purposes for the site is for the owner to upload audio files for visitors to listen to. Currently I am using the HTML5 <audio> element to play the files. I have the files uploaded as .MP3.
Users are having the following problems:
1. Certain people can't play the audio. It starts loading, but never finishes.
2. Other people can't even see the audio player or it won't load at all.
3. iOS users are having issues with the browser crashing when they try to play the audio. The owner has a iPhone and he can play them fine. If I try it on my iPad, it crashes the browser.
The owner would also like to know if there is a simpler way to upload the files. They would prefer that it is simple, like uploading the files with a file manager and then it automatically adds it to the a table on the main page. He likes the way the audio element displays, but not the code part of uploading it.
Any ideas are appreciated!!!

Come on guys, any ideas or pointers? I really need some help here.
Just some thoughts,
You could use file sets to leverage the file manager to upload your mp3 files. Just tell the owner that if they want it to go to the home page to include the file in a specific file set, then you can programatically look for that file set and any files in it when creating your user interface for it.
HTML5 may not be supported by all browsers, as far as a more robust playing solution you should take a look at There is a section called "HTML Audio - The Best Solution" which may provide you with some incite on how to overcome that part.
You could use file sets to leverage the file manager to upload your mp3 files. Just tell the owner that if they want it to go to the home page to include the file in a specific file set, then you can programatically look for that file set and any files in it when creating your user interface for it.
HTML5 may not be supported by all browsers, as far as a more robust playing solution you should take a look at There is a section called "HTML Audio - The Best Solution" which may provide you with some incite on how to overcome that part.
Go to the below page:
You can find which browser support html5 audio players.
Note: Instead using html5 player which is not supported by all browser, you can try JWplayer.
Though it is a video player, but it will allow you to play audio and more importantly it supports through all browser. Look at this:
You can find which browser support html5 audio players.
Note: Instead using html5 player which is not supported by all browser, you can try JWplayer.
Though it is a video player, but it will allow you to play audio and more importantly it supports through all browser. Look at this:
Sorry, but JWPlayer is out of the question. It is horribly expensive!
I can't help with the audio player.
With uploading files, my Front End File Uploader addon provides an easy and quick to use interface to get files into a fileset from right on the page.
If your users then need to manage that fileset, I have Front End Fileset Tools. This provides comprehensive on-page front end management of a fileset and the properties of files in that set. It can be used alone, or integrates with FEFU providing upload to the set. Unfortunately final core team approval from the PRB has not been keeping up with addons, so its been stuck there since February (If anyone wants more info or to buy Front End Fileset Tools directly, please PM me).
With uploading files, my Front End File Uploader addon provides an easy and quick to use interface to get files into a fileset from right on the page.
If your users then need to manage that fileset, I have Front End Fileset Tools. This provides comprehensive on-page front end management of a fileset and the properties of files in that set. It can be used alone, or integrates with FEFU providing upload to the set. Unfortunately final core team approval from the PRB has not been keeping up with addons, so its been stuck there since February (If anyone wants more info or to buy Front End Fileset Tools directly, please PM me).
As far as HTML5 audio goes, you should have no problem playing a single file on any given page in about ANY browser but Opera (requires .ogg files for compatibility). Creating a "page list teaser" scenario with audio players will work just fine in FF and IE but in chrome all the players will play/stop with the click of ONE of the players. I've created a rough HTML5 audio player package for mp3's that I have done some testing with. I will send you a PM with a copy. Let me know how it works for you!
My HTML5 Audio Player Pro add-on might be of use to you. It uses the jPlayer library to provide support for both HTML5 compliant browsers using the <audio> tag and non-HTML5 compliant browsers through a flash fallback solution. The add-on supports creating players from file sets, which could make it easier for your client to update the audio. Check out the marketplace page:
and demo:
to see if it fits your needs. I also have a free basic version that allows you to post a player for a single audio file that using the same library:
Another thing you might want to look into is the encoding type and size of the mp3 files. Some browsers have trouble with Variable Bitrate encoding (VBR) and also large file sizes. For music, I would recommend a Constant Bitrate (CBR) or 128 kbps to keep the file sizes manageable. For voice only you could go even lower to 96 kbps without acceptable quality.
and demo:
to see if it fits your needs. I also have a free basic version that allows you to post a player for a single audio file that using the same library:
Another thing you might want to look into is the encoding type and size of the mp3 files. Some browsers have trouble with Variable Bitrate encoding (VBR) and also large file sizes. For music, I would recommend a Constant Bitrate (CBR) or 128 kbps to keep the file sizes manageable. For voice only you could go even lower to 96 kbps without acceptable quality.