Ecom Product reviews
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Hi Team..
I have been modifying the ecom template to enable Rich Snippets to work with product reviews using
all Is going well I have modified the view.php to have the options in and added custom attributes to the products which I have pulled into the view.php so they all work nice.
Now the bit I am stuck on.. Adding Customer Reviews under each product added them through the dashboard under each product? I can't add the reviews on the page as a block as they have to be inside the schemes div to register.
Now I have added the new variables to the forms, and the DB.xml no problems. My problem Is I cant fine How I pull the information back into the view.php from the Database.
ATM they use this code: " $product->getProductDescription "
Now I can't find where this is set? getProductDescription???
As I have set mine to "echo $product->getProductReviewsName "
I Get: Fatal error: Call to undefined method BlockView::prReviewsName() in /home/Adminminitrex/www/packages/core_commerce/blocks/product/templates/Minitrix-productDisplay/view.php on line 229
Now I guess this is because it was a defined function some where?
I found by searching some public functions defined in \model\order\product.php
public function getProductName() {
return $this->prName;
So I Added Mine
public function getProductReviewsName() {
return $this->prReviewsName;
But No Luck? Can Any one explain hot the getProduct works for me so I can Have product reviews?
Or another way of printing out my db enty in view.php?
Thanks For the Help.
I have been modifying the ecom template to enable Rich Snippets to work with product reviews using
all Is going well I have modified the view.php to have the options in and added custom attributes to the products which I have pulled into the view.php so they all work nice.
Now the bit I am stuck on.. Adding Customer Reviews under each product added them through the dashboard under each product? I can't add the reviews on the page as a block as they have to be inside the schemes div to register.
Now I have added the new variables to the forms, and the DB.xml no problems. My problem Is I cant fine How I pull the information back into the view.php from the Database.
ATM they use this code: " $product->getProductDescription "
Now I can't find where this is set? getProductDescription???
As I have set mine to "echo $product->getProductReviewsName "
I Get: Fatal error: Call to undefined method BlockView::prReviewsName() in /home/Adminminitrex/www/packages/core_commerce/blocks/product/templates/Minitrix-productDisplay/view.php on line 229
Now I guess this is because it was a defined function some where?
I found by searching some public functions defined in \model\order\product.php
public function getProductName() {
return $this->prName;
So I Added Mine
public function getProductReviewsName() {
return $this->prReviewsName;
But No Luck? Can Any one explain hot the getProduct works for me so I can Have product reviews?
Or another way of printing out my db enty in view.php?
Thanks For the Help.
HI Any one
OK I am making some progress now!
I have modified the following files and added the same layout actions for my new fields.
Now so far I have Managed to be able get the review to save to the Database and appear on the page. How ever I can't seem to get it to pull the current data into the edit product option? Can any one tell me If i have missed a file ? Can supply more info if needed?
in the form.php I have
$prReviewsName = $product->getProductReviewsName(); (top)
<?php echo $form->label('prReviewsName', t('Name'))?>
<div class="input">
<?php echo $form->text('prReviewsName', $prReviewsName )?>
Thanks For Any Help
OK I am making some progress now!
I have modified the following files and added the same layout actions for my new fields.
Now so far I have Managed to be able get the review to save to the Database and appear on the page. How ever I can't seem to get it to pull the current data into the edit product option? Can any one tell me If i have missed a file ? Can supply more info if needed?
in the form.php I have
$prReviewsName = $product->getProductReviewsName(); (top)
<?php echo $form->label('prReviewsName', t('Name'))?>
<div class="input">
<?php echo $form->text('prReviewsName', $prReviewsName )?>
Thanks For Any Help
I forgot you had to uninstall the package and re-install to get new DB.xml rules to work.. So I done this...
Ok From What I can see.. My data isn't being saved to db.. (Checked manually no data being saved to DB, fields are their at least now) AS the form.php when I edit a product don't display the saved data? but this could be because I cant call it out the DB correctly?
I added this to the top of the form..
But I get this error
Fatal error: Call to undefined method CoreCommerceProduct::getProductReviewsName() in /home/Adminminitrex/www/packages/core_commerce/elements/product/form.php on line 43
Any Help Any one?