eCommerce addon, adding product attributes to order page

Hi can anyone help me.
I'm trying to add the product attributes to the print order page of the ecommerce package

I copied the code for the customer choices (see below) and it's bringing in the attribute names but not the values. What am I doing wrong?
<?php  if (is_object($op->product)) { ?>
                  Loader::model('attribute/categories/core_commerce_product', 'core_commerce');
                  $attribs = CoreCommerceProductAttributeKey::getList();
                  <?php  $text = ''; foreach($attribs as $ak) { ?>
                     <?php  $text .= $ak->render('label','',true) . ": " . $op->getAttribute($ak, 'display')."," ?>
                  <?php  } ?>
                  <?php echo  rtrim($text, ",") ?>
               <?php  } else { ?>
                  <?php echo t('Unknown. This product has been removed.')?>
               <?php  } ?>

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Where are you trying to add this code? There is something already in the


In version 2.8.10 for someting very similar.

That not being the question, I believe you need

$op->product->getAttribute($ak, 'display')

Rather than

$op->getAttribute($ak, 'display')

Because the product will have the attributes, not the order itself which I assume is what $op is.