Ecommerce: Creating shirt small, medium, large ect.

I am creating a T-shirt website. With most t-shirt website the user must select their shirt size. I know I can input this through with "Customer Choices" button to create individual product attributes. What I'm wondering is, is there a way to create this but have it done globally to where my client will not have to create this attribute each time he wants to add a new t shirt.

admin replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I'd like to know this as well!
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
go to

and make a select with the different sizes
luan replied on at Permalink Reply
sorry I ment to hit the reply button. There should not be an organ dotted line around your answer because it didn't help me. I'm not totally understanding what you mean. When I login to Concrete 5 and go into dashboard then to the core_commerce (i'm assuming you mean ecommerce) and then to product, I don't see a tab or file for attributes. The only place I can find attributes are in Sitewide Settings>Attributes.

If you're going mean go through and find attribute through an ftp editor like coda. I could not find that file either. The only place I can find dashboard is through concrete/single_pages/dashboard/...

I could be a dummy and missed the file or folder. I'm sorry ahead of time, but please explain further.