eCommerce Gateway for eProcessing Network

Hi there- I have a site that uses the eCommerce add-on and they want to change their payment processor from Paypal to Has anyone setup eCommerce for a merchant account with eProcessing Network yet? Or can anyone help me figure out how to do this?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

reliable replied on at Permalink Reply
If there aren't any suggestions, is anyone willing to build this add-on for me? I need help on this as soon as possible. Thanks!
TooqInc replied on at Permalink Reply
We built the Beanstream Add-on, we could have a look and provide a quote if you like.

PM me your email and I'll get in touch.
TooqInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Though I do see this on their site:
eProcessingNetwork also offers emulation of Authorize.Net TM. This makes it easy for developers who have already integrated Authorize.NetTM to utilize eProcessingNetwork Transaction Processing Services.
Typically all a developer has to do is change the URL they access from



Pass in the merchants' eProcessingNetwork Account Number as the x_login. Additional details about the Authorize.NetTM emulator offered by eProcessingNetwork are available here.

You might just be able to purchase the Add-on and update the URLs in the file.
ecomatt replied on at Permalink Reply
Im struggling to use the ecommerce plugin to do aim or sim checkout through eProcessingNetwork.

I was wondering if you managed to get anywhere with yours?
my problem is that when using aim - the ecommerce passes the card details just fine but it does not progress to the checkout/finished page?

if i use the sim method it works fine all information is transfered to eporsessingnetwork and checkout is completed, the probelm is once completed the page does not redirect back to the page. eprocessingnetwork said i need to a script or form handler with a url for them to accept and post back. or something like that?

can anyone help with this?

the area of code that is not behaving properly is
         $sch = $ch->getNextCheckoutStep();      
      } else {
         // Errors that should not be returned to the user (e.g. configuration errors)
         $generr = array(13, 24, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40, 43, 47, 48, 49, 68, 69, 70, 71, 81, 82, 83);
         if (in_array($rsp_data[2], $generr)) {
            $err = array('orderID' => $o->orderID, 'responseCode' => $rsp_data[1],
                         'responseReasonCode' => $rsp_data[2], 'responseReasonText' => $rsp_data[3]);
            Log::addEntry('Authorize.Net transacation error: '.var_export($err,true));
            $err = "This transaction could not be completed at this time.  Please try again later.";
         } else {
            $err = $rsp_data[3];