eCommerce image swap

just wondering what others have done, or if anyone has any suggestions.

Lets say I have a t-shirt...and I have 6 different print designs of the same style, size and color. from an end-user standpoint, it's pretty sub-optimal to list all six when you can just have one and use the "Customer Choices".

I am thinking a javascript attached to the onChange event of the custom choice for the design, and then swap the image. I need a realtime way to show what they are interested in as they select it.

Has anyone had to do this? How did that work and what did that look like?


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
we've talked about different ways to deal with this type of scenario - particularly when inventory or costs are tied to them as well. There's some solutions boiling in our heads but its gonna take a couple of weeks of work to make it work and be elegant. perhaps someone will pay us to make a big awesome store for them after SXSW, or we'll end up with some cash in the bank from the marketplace and the desire to extend ecommerce to handle this kinda thing..

frankly today i'd make a product for each and then arrange those products in interesting ways using the product list block.
Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply

Did you ever manage to do the image swap based on customer choice.