Ecommerce Sales Tax issue

It seems if you have 'states/provinces' which are exempt from a 'Country' tax, you cant actually set this.

I have United Kingdom set as my Country, they have tax at 20%. in its state/province list are 'Jersey' and 'Guernsey' which have 0% tax.

I have added the country as a tax, and left the state/province default. This applies the tax to the whole state/province list.

I then added a new tax of 0% specifically for 'Jersey'. When i do a test checkout, Jersey is still charged 20%.

The only option available to achieve what i need, is to add an individual rate for every state/province in the list (that means adding the tax about 70 times). This doesnt seem correct, surly there is a work around.

Im not the only person who has wanted to achieve this, so if anyone knows a fix it would be much appreciated.

Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply

I also am feeling that the tax issue is one of the things that hasn't been thought out that well in the eCommerce add-on. I think they are improving it currently a bit hopefully it will get better (e.g. product-specific taxes, issues with sales tax already included in the price).

The key to do some workarounds on these issues is simply to override the tax rate class (models/sales/tax/rate.php). You need to know some PHP and spend some time investigating the logic but the method you want to take look into is setupEnabledRates().

If you need consulting on this, we can offer it. Just PM me about this.

Antti / Mainio
atlantisdigital replied on at Permalink Reply

thanks for replying to this one. Ill take a look at how the tax rate calculates and see if i need your help.