Ecommerce Update has broken website

Hi guys and Gals,

Can anyone help with this issue i have.

I haven't been on the site for a while but my client has said people haven't been able to buy things on the site. i logged in an realised there was a update available for the eCommerce add on. I clicked on download and install. After about a minute there was a 500 server error page that appear and now the website wont load.

Can someone please tell me why this is happening. And what i need to sort it out.



Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jon,
It loaded alright from my location and the cart seems to work.

Arvixe Web Hosting / Concrete5 Community Liaison |
jonlunt replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, Thanks for looking at this.

I raised a support ticket with Ecommerce and it turns out the update failed half way through. i had to pull the core_commerce folder out of trash and move it back into the packages folder.

i then backed everything up. and updated Concrete5 which worked. just need to update the ecommerce suite but will do that when i have more time.
