Edit and add page button disabled on certain pages

HI I have a really wierd thing, i did have the site all working fine but i've come to it today and have found that on a few pages on my site, the buttons top left (edit and add) will rollover but not function. There isn't anything different on these pages to other pages, just stopped.

Any ideas? Thanks

BHWW replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, i've found out is a block, its the accordion block, anyone see why this would be affecting 4.2?

<?php     defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
$check = $controller->isViewError($this->area);
if (!$check) :
global $c;
$data = $controller->getTabsArray();
$CollectionVersionAreaLayout = $controller->getCollectionVersionAreaLayout ($c->cID, $c->vObj->getVersionID(), $this->area->getAreaHandle());
$dl = count($data)-1;
<?php  global $c; if (!$c->isEditMode()) : ?>
$(document).ready(function() {
   $('#ccm-layout-wrapper-<?php echo $CollectionVersionAreaLayout['cvalID']?>').easyAccordion({
      titles:[<?php  foreach ($data as $k=>$n) : ?> "<?php echo $n['name']?>"<?php echo $dl == $k ? '' : ','?><?php  endforeach ?>],
      disabled:[<?php echo $disabled?>],
      open:<?php echo $open?>