Edit area problem!


I have recently started using Concrete5 as a CMS for it's beautiful usability. However, I have stumbled upon one problem in my path to convert my template into a Concrete5 Template.

Whenever I create a new 'area' in my default.php, for instance:

<h4><?php $a = new Area('About Title'); $a->display($c);?></h4>

Which I obviously declare in my view.php as:

<h4><?php print $innerContent; ?></h4>

I get a weird state when I try to edit it. It allows me to add a Blockhttp://screenshot.cz/ETGQK/ - but when I go into the edit area, it completely fails (without a stylesheet, javascript isn't working either -http://screenshot.cz/Z370D/ .

I know that this is obviously really easy to solve. Some things that I have considered an tested are below.


<body <?php if ($c->isEditMode()) { ?> class="editmode" <?php } ?>>


However, I have not created two separate files for main.css and typography.css, but I have debugged this - this is not the problem.

Thanks for your help!

2 Attachments

robertsoniv replied on at Permalink Reply
I had this problem, I'm trying my best to remember what it was that caused it... it might be a lack of the following two pieces of code that go at the beginning of your <head> tag and before the end of the <body> tag respectfully.

<?php  Loader::element('header_required'); ?>
<?php Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>
jimr92 replied on at Permalink Reply
Checked it, but this was already in place.
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you embed any jquery library in your theme? If so then remove it and try.
