Edit bar disappears on 2 of 8 pages - nothing special about the 2 pages

This one is baffling me. With my site in edit mode, as I browse from page to page, two out of eight pages will appear to be logged out. But the other 6 pages are still logged in. One of the two pages that is logged out shares the same page type as 6 others. The other logged out page is the Home page and is a different page type. I have searched the forums and have reviewed all the topics related to "Edit bar missing/disappearing" and cannot find an answer to my problem. I am using the code snippets required and in the correct positions. I'm out of guesses. Does anyone have a clue for me?

Thanks in advance,

DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply
Do the pages with the edit bar not loading have any content on them? If there is content, maybe a fatal error or something is being thrown and stopping the load of the page.
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes. There is content on the pages. All I have done is a routine upgrade to the latest version of Concrete5 recently. I didn't even notice this problem until my client called to say that some people get a page reset when they submit a form and then submit a second one thinking the first one didn't go through. This seems to be happening to about 1 in 8 form submissions. I have not been able to replicate this but noticed this "Edit Bar missing" issue on a couple of pages and thought it may be related.

If I login to edit the site, the Home page will first appear in Edit mode with the Edit bar showing. When I browse to the "About Us" page, everything is fine, still in Edit mode, Edit bar showing, as it should. Then if I browse back to the Home page, the Edit bar is gone and it appears as though I've been logged out. But if I browse back to the About Us page, it is still logged in and in Edit mode with the Edit bar showing. Same thing happens moving to all but one other page. This page also appears to be logged out like the Home page. It is a simple site with not much going on in the way of complexity.

The site is:http://green4everinc.com
The two problem pages are Home and Pest Control. Pest Control uses the same Page-Type as all the other pages but "Home".
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Update: on further testing, trying to find a pattern or reproducible steps, now, without making any code changes, every page has the Edit bar available accept one, and it's a different page. Strange behavior.
SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
I have issues on my sites when someone is in the edit area and doesn't publish the page or leaves the page before exiting the edit on.

concrete5 is supposed to say "blah" is editing but instead the bar is gone.

to fix the problem its kind of tricky sometimes clearing cache works, other times its simply assuming the role and logging the user out, the problem usually fixes itself after an hour or so.

*this might be related to what you are seeing, I too am baffled why but the edit bar comes back randomly
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
As a side note, there is a missing image being picked up on the site,
http://green4everinc.com/green4evr/themes/Green4ever/images/MenuBg.... 404 (Not Found)

its in your view.css,

.menu {

Things that I find often remove the edit bar.

1. The footer, older themes do not always have the
<? Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>
within the footer, if your page uses a footer element and has this in that that should be ok.

2. Javascript errors, if there is an error on the page this can prevent the edit bar from displaying, I have had this with fancybox, where a call was made with no fancybox element on the page. Meaning it worked on some pages and not others. So if you have dynamic content just keep an eye out for that.

That's about all I can think of and its very possible you have gone through these already. If you have you may be able to revert your site to the previous version. In your config.php you can change the version of your site to the pre-updated version. Removing the version line would take it back to the default installed version.

The version you roll back to would need to be within the updates folder.

Hope something there helps
- Sean
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your efforts Sean!
I can't seem to find the view.css file for some reason. The file in question seems to be there in the path described and my menu seems to work OK. The footer_required statement has been in place.

I'm still baffled by what is causing this and why it is so random. For example, the symptoms change nearly every time I login to Edit Mode. Just now, I logged in and the Edit bar is on the Home page, as normal. As I move to each page in the site, the Edit bar is there as well, as it should be. If I return to the Home page, it appears to be logged out therefore, no Edit bar. Without logging back it, I can move to any other page, and the Edit bar is there ( and still logged in). When I move back to the Home page, still logged out, and no edit bar. If there were a JS conflict, shouldn't I expect a more consistent result? This time it is the Home page acting this way, but other times it is different pages.

It is the busiest time of the year for this client and I don't want to risk taking their site down doing things like reversing the C5 upgrades at this time. This issue is easy to work around for now. The first issue, for which I thought this might be related, had to do with using the standard Form block. It recently started crashing on submit, intermittently. I replaced it with Extended Forms block and, so far, the problem seems to have disappeared.

Anyway, if any body else has seen this before and has a solution for me, please share it.
Pixelfixer replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for taking the time to offer your suggestions, SheldonB.