Edit Bar / Navbar showing up for guests on page admin is editing

Many times when I open a page for editing, and a guest is viewing or visiting that same page at the same time I'm editing it, they will see the edit bar (nav bar) at the top (my co-workers have reported this while I was working on updating pages). Granted, they can click "Edit" and nothing will happen, but the edit bar should not be showing at all for any guests on the website who are not logged in. After a while, the bar goes away, but for the 1-2 minutes surrounding my editing time on that page, guests will see the edit bar (not preferred for obvious reasons: doesn't look professional, is confusing, etc.)

I've tested and replicated this on different computers and devices that have NEVER been logged into the site and it happens consistently.

Additionally, the edit bar sometimes goes away completely (just on some pages), and I have to go to the Dashboard's site map and "view" the page from there to edit it - or login again.