Email contact forms with reply to sender

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Hello all.
Ive got a contact us block up on my website now,
What i'd really like to have is, when someone emails me from that form, I want to be able to hit reply in my email client and reply back to them directly, instead of what I do now.
What I do now:
Receive email from contact form, reply address is my email address. Copy their email address.
Hit reply.
Paste their address in the To field.
Send email.

Does that make sense?
Is it possible?

DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply
I believe the form block that concrete5 comes with has an option called "Send Email for this address" when you set a form field as an "email" type. It should be a check box when you select "email". It will do what you are asking.
DLeach4512 replied on at Permalink Reply
I have looked at all four tabs of the form options when I edit the form block, and I cannot find any option same as or similar to what you speak of.
What am I missing?
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You probably have an older version of concrete, in which case you would probably need to update..
DLeach4512 replied on at Permalink Reply
Heh, you're right. I'm running 5.5.1.
DLeach4512 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey! You guys were right, there is an option, right there in my face, once I updated!
FYI, it's available in, but not before.

Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!