Enabling pretty urls isn't working.

I built a site for a client (http://www.ilockerz.com/) over a year ago and have had no problems so far. His IT department set up hosting for him.

He has just tried to enable pretty urls by checking the box in Systems & Settings, and he did get the message that it was able to update his .htaccess file (URL rewriting enabled. We were able to automatically update .htaccess file).

However, the pretty urls did not work and all pages other than the home page gave a 404 error, so he's had to turn them off again. Apparently he has tried this a couple of times and it's never worked. I have a local version of the site which is identical, and enabling pretty urls worked fine for me.

I'm a designer with front-end skills so I am out of my depth here. I've set up Concrete5 sites for other clients before and never had a problem with pretty urls. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions as to how to fix this?


Droid replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, needed some help with this too.

Is it possible to change the pretty URL for different sections on the same page on the event of autoscroll down?
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
maybe mod_rewrite is not enabled on your server.
LauraHogarth replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply! How would I go about checking if this is the case? Would this not prevent the .htaccess file being updated?
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
a phpinfo would show which Apache modules were loaded.
No - if C5 is able to write to the htaccess it will but the pretty URLs redirect are enclosed in a condition so they are only followed is mod_rewrite is on the server - does that make sense?
LauraHogarth replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks again for your help.

Honestly - no it doesn't really make sense to me, but I am hoping that whoever set up the hosting at my client's company will understand it! Do you know how they would go about enabling mod_rewrite if it isn't currently enabled?
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
it might depend on the o/s but opening up the file httpd.conf and uncommenting the line
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so

and restarting Apache should do it. It has just occurred to me that they might be running the website on IIS in which case I don't know.
LauraHogarth replied on at Permalink Reply
The environment information has no mention of mod_rewrite - does this mean it is not enabled? I will ask them to check phpinfo and follow your advice.

Thanks again!