Entry Page

Hi All

Just looking for a bit of advice / best practice if possible.
I have a site with a entry page which is basically a big image and a link into the site.

My issue is that the page does not require any of the usual stuff in the header.php like nav and social media etc.

Normally I would use a global stack for such stuff but that would mean it would appear on the entry page and the site is to large to add to every page.
I am not sure if you could use a Single page as the Home page, is that possible?
Could I have two separate header.php?
Is there away round having to have a header?
Could just leave the header empty of div's and move it all down to the page type but that don't seem to pretty to me.

Any ides or suggestions greatly appreciate to fire up my old brain.

madesimplemedia replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You could have 2 separate headers as long as you have a page type for the home page which references your new home header.
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi madesimplemedia

Thanks for your reply.
So a second header.php and a dedicated home/entry page type then and in my page type I would have similar to the following code
<?php $this->inc('elements/header2.php');?>

That seems like a viable plan, thanks for the mental nudge.
madesimplemedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah that's right, done that myself in the past and it's been easy to do. :)