Error Box Showing Up?

On my view.php pages, I'm getting the error message to show up with no errors...just this (in the code)

<ul class="ccm-error">

And this is what I have in my view.php file:

<?php  if (isset($error) && $error != '') { ?>
   if ($error instanceof Exception) {
      $_error[] = $error->getMessage();
   } else if ($error instanceof ValidationErrorHelper) { 
      $_error = $error->getList();
   } else if (is_array($error)) {
      $_error = $error;
   } else if (is_string($error)) {
      $_error[] = $error;
      <ul class="ccm-error">
      <?php  foreach($_error as $e) { ?><li><?php echo $e?></li><?php  } ?>

According to this, the UL shouldn't even print if there are no errors...but somehow it is.

Not sure why...

leinteractive replied on at Permalink Reply
Any thoughts on this? This is the exact same view.php code I use in all my other templates...but the error box shows up in this one.