error message editing/adding page attributes

Hi --

I just emailed one of the core developers about this issue and he suggested posting here, said it's likely corruption in my database, difficult problem to solve. Please see below for desc of problem and error msg. I didn't get any forum replies and I'd really like to avoid yanking my site because i can't edit any page attributes. My site domain is Thanks!

Problem explained by Clearview theme designer:
It seems to be something wrong with your database and custom page attributes. If you try editing any of the attributes (meta description, title, etc) it throws that error [SEE BELOW], not just the Background Image one. Even on the pages that you dont have the Clearview theme applied the error occurs, so it doesnt seem to be something happening because of Clearview. I would recommend posting that error on the forums and mention that you get an error when trying to edit/add any custom attributes.


"Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ADODB_Exception' with message 'mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry '72-8-1-214' for key ‘PRIMARY’] in EXECUTE (“UPDATE CollectionAttributeValues SET avid=214 WHERE cID=72 and cvID=8 and akID=1”) in home7/iquommac/public_html/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ Stack trace:#0

/home7/iquommac/public_html/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ adodb_throw('mysql', 'EXECUTE', 1062, 'Duplicate entry...', 'UPDATE Collecti...', false, Object(ADODB_mysql))
#1 /home7/iquommac/public_html/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ ADOConnection->Execute('UPDATE Collecti...', false)
#2 /home7/iquommac/public_html/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ ADOConnection->Execute('UPDATE Collecti...')
#3 /home7/iquommac/public_html/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ _adodb_replace(Object(ADODB_mysql), 'CollectionAttri...', Array, Array, false, false)
#4 /home7/iquommac/public_html/concrete/libraries/database.php( in /home7/iquommac/public_html/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ on line 78"

ryan replied on at Permalink Reply
Does this happen only while editing a certain page in your site?

Did this occur after upgrading from a previous version of concrete5?

You may try the following, but I'm guessing this won't fix the problem:
- Dashbaord > Sitewide Settings - Clear Site Cache, then disable cache.
- Dashboard > Sitewide Settings > Debug - Refresh core database schema
- Dashboard > System & Maintenance - Run the search indexer job
alligatorlegs replied on at Permalink Reply
I followed your list and still seem to be having the problem. It happens on almost every page when adding or editing page attribs. I didn't do an upgrade, but I downloaded and installed Clearview a couple of weeks ago and don't remember having the problem before that. It doesn't just affect the Clearview pages, though, it affects even the ones that don't have the new theme applied...