Error Message
Does anyone know what the following message means and how to fix it?
Warning: include(/home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/themes/tabernacle/view.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/concrete/libraries/view.php on line 738
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/themes/tabernacle/view.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:/home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/libraries/3rdparty:/home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/concrete/config/../libraries/3rdparty') in /home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/concrete/libraries/view.php on line 738
Warning: include(/home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/themes/tabernacle/view.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/concrete/libraries/view.php on line 738
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/themes/tabernacle/view.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:/home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/libraries/3rdparty:/home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/concrete/config/../libraries/3rdparty') in /home/content/t/a/b/tabernaclebapt/html/concrete/libraries/view.php on line 738
Looks like your theme doesn't have a view.php file. Make a copy of your default.php file in your theme directory and rename it view.php
In addition to what Lucas recommends, you should also edit that new view.php file and change this:
to this:
<?php $a = new Area('Main'); $a->display($c); ?>
to this:
<?php print $innerContent; ?>
Ah, yes. Good point.
Thanks. Could you please provide step by step instruction of this process? Also, do I have to be the administrator to do this?
What is the name of the theme you're using?
When I went to the dashboard under themes it calls our current theme Tabernacle
contact the person who made the theme for you, they shouldn't charge you anything for it
Mnkras is right, but if you do want to fix it, here are step by step instructions: Go to your server (via FTP) and find the file called "default.php" that's in your site's themes/tabernacle/ folder. Download this file to your computer. Change its name to "view.php". Edit it with notepad and make the code change I mentioned above. Save this file, then upload it using your FTP program back to the folder you downloaded it from (but make sure you're uploading the renamed "view.php" file -- do not overwrite the "default.php" file that was already there).