Error: Page Not Found - No page could be found at this address.

I have created a new theme and added a page. When I click on the link to the new page such ashttp://localhost/mysite/test1, it gives me the error:
Page Not Found
No page could be found at this address.

But if I go the test1 page from Dashboard's "Page Search", it takes me to the equivalent URL for the above page such ashttp://localhost/mysite/index.php?cID=127... and the page is displayed fine.

Not sure what I am doing wrong.

wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you hit 'Publish' when you created the page?

Try accessing the page from the dashboard, put it in edit mode, make a small change and hit 'Publish' instead of 'Preview'.

Hope that helps.
ScottSandbakken replied on at Permalink Reply
Try clearing your cache.
BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Thanks both of you for replying.

I figured out the solution myself.

My actual URL was like this:http://localhost/mysite/mysite-test.... I typed in the wrong URL in my post above. I then removed "mysite" from the url to this:http://localhost/mysite/test and it worked. For some reason C5 does not like the site name as part of the page name.