Exclude From Nav Issue
I have a top level parent page that has several children page beneath it. When I choose to hide the top level parent page using the "Exclude From Nav" attribute, it does hide the parent page, but then all of the children pages display within my Auto-nav. Is this typical behavior or am I doing something wrong? I want to hide the parent page and all of its children, but I dont want to have to go through and select each child to hide. Any ideas are appreciated.
"Modify the loop within one of these to check the parents 'exclude from nav' attribute and hide the link accordingly."
Could you please give me a working example for the header_menu.php template? I tried to solve with a custom attribute (like exclude_from_nav but enabled by default) on all my "Simple News" pages but i'm facing problems.
Thank you.
Could you please give me a working example for the header_menu.php template? I tried to solve with a custom attribute (like exclude_from_nav but enabled by default) on all my "Simple News" pages but i'm facing problems.
Thank you.
This fixes the problem:http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/autonav-exclude-subpage...
You could get round it with a custom template, the autonav block has 2 of these as standard. Modify the loop within one of these to check the parents 'exclude from nav' attribute and hide the link accordingly.