Existing Page Types defined in C5


I've just installed C5 using the default theme (Plain Yogurt).

When I check "Page Types" in the Dashboard, I could only see one Page Type called "Right Sidebar" set up. It has 2 columns. I want to create a page type where there is only 1 column. So I created a new page type and selected the layout picture which shows a single column but it didn't work. When I created a new page using this new "single column" page type, it revert back to the Right Sidebar page layout.

Perhaps new layouts need to be defined somewhere else first. Could someone please advise how I can do that?

Thank you in advance!!

decleaf replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh! I found the answer. Just clicked "Inspect" at the Themes page and found a list of pre-defined Page Types ending with .php extension which did not appear in my Dashboard's list of Page Types ! I added a "full" page type and was able to create a single column page!

I must say, it wasn't evident from the documentation how to go about finding a list of Page Types set up! Perhaps it's something really basic to programmers but not me.

Thanks anyway and sorry for taking up unnecessary space here :)