Explain site_theme_paths.php ?


I was looking into the "site_theme_paths.php" and i found out that i can override the default templates.

however when i change them i get a blank page, i did not find any special documents regarding this and was wondering how this works, and if i should create a special template file in the templates folder for these changes?.

netclickMe replied on at Permalink Reply
Here's what I'm defining in site_theme_paths.php.
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied."));
$v = View::getInstance();
$v->setThemeByPath('/login', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/register', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/download_file', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/install', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/maintenance_mode', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/members', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/page_forbidden', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/page_not_found', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/user_error', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/upgrade', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/401', "your_theme");
$v->setThemeByPath('/403', "your_theme");

It might be some overkill on the errors. Yet, 403 is defined in the default concrete5 file so why not hit em all?

Copy/Replace your template name where the code says your_theme. Note that concrete5 theme paths must be lowercase and only use underscores for spaces.