Faster C5 Cache
After searching for ways to improve the speed of concrete 5
(one of my only issues - page load time)
I have found both of these code snippets
This one I have tried and used on both 5.4.2 and 5.5.2 installs
Just came across this today on this page:
So is one better than the other?
Use Both?
(one of my only issues - page load time)
I have found both of these code snippets
This one I have tried and used on both 5.4.2 and 5.5.2 installs
Just came across this today on this page:
define('CACHE_LIBRARY', 'eaccelerator');
So is one better than the other?
Use Both?
The zero in the first one tells the Zend cache library to never clear the cache - so you would have to do it manually or create a job for it.
The second one is using an accelerator library (others include 'apc', 'xcache', 'memcashed') instead of the default 'file' (slower, but always available).
So both is better.